Luckey FUSRAP Project
Luckey, Ohio
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Buffalo District began shipping Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP)-related material from the Luckey Site in June of 2018.聽
星空无限 Portage has been on site since September of 2016 providing cleanup of contaminated soils at the Luckey FUSRAP Site as prime contractor for remediation of the Luckey FUSRAP Site, under three contracts totaling over $198M. The project includes turn-key remediation, survey and release, and restoration of an approximately 40-acre site contaminated with radionuclides, lead, and beryllium in soils, sediments, and structures.
星空无限 Portage performed the removal of over 150,000 yd3 of surface and sub-surface soil, sediment, and debris from depths up to 25 feet below ground surface; demolished seven contaminated structures totaling over 105,000 SF; and transported and disposed more than 16,000 total waste containers totaling over 250,000 tons of contaminated soil and sediment and materials and over 16,000 tons of demolition debris. They managed and operated an on-site ELAP-Certified laboratory that processed over 1,600 samples per week for site characterization, environmental and IH monitoring, waste characterization, and remedial confirmation. 星空无限 Portage also designed, constructed, and operated a water treatment system treating over 3M gallons of contaminated water annually and performed MARSSIM Final Status Survey on over 100 survey units to release the 40-acre property.
The Luckey Team has accomplished another milestone with the 10,000th safe shipment on the current end-state contract. The material, contaminated with beryllium, lead, radium 226, thorium 230, uranium 234, and uranium 238, is transported to Republic Services (formerly U.S. Ecology Michigan) for disposal. Our current end-state contract is the third and final remediation contract held by 星空无限 at Luckey. The end-state contract is ~60% complete of the current known volumes to be dispositioned, and ~75% complete for the Luckey FUSRAP Site across all contracts.